You'll be pleased to know we made it to Sydney without getting lost and arrived at the right gate in plenty of time to board. Not to whinge, but we were 80mins late getting away from Sydney. Didn't they know they had VIP (very interesting passengers) on board?
Finally, we flew off into the sunrise.

Finally, we flew off into the sunrise.

It was clouds all the way over so nothing much to see most of the time. Flying into Queenstown we got glimpses of spectacular scenery between clouds. As we landed the sun was shining and The Remarkables were a remarkable sight, shrouded in mist and clouds. Unfortunately, we didn't get a photo of that because Qantas lost our bags so any thoughts of taking shots of mist covered mountains or anything else were forgotten. It stormed as well so which didn't help. Day one? Pretty much a bust.
View from our breakfast table. There is a sprinkling of snow on the peak that wasn't there yesterday.
Queenstown is definitely photogenic even without snow and the foliage is so diverse and varied we can't help snapping away.
Today we've wandered around Queenstown snapping like tourists (!?!?) and enjoyed a tour around Arrowtown which is like a tiny Queenstown and is also very photogenic.
These bees are huge! At least twice the size of our ordinary honey bees, but fast; they don't spend much time on each flower.
Some of the nature abounding in Arrowtown.
Want to live in this quaint miner's cottage???
Prepared to be bored to tears with a constant stream of photos.
Keep it coming girls, the land of the long white cloud never ceases to take my breath away....
ReplyDeleteWe can certainly see why Miss Vicki. More to come...