We headed for Werribee Open Range Zoo one day. It's quite a way from where we were staying and although we meant to leave early, by the time we got there, we only had a short time before our Open Adventure Tour. Hence, we were zooming around trying to see everything.
Although not technically an exhibit at the Zoo, these blue wrens were everywhere and jolly hard to snap. This one was hanging around the entrance, probably trying to sneak in for free. 

The first exhibit was this tortoise; I think it's a tortoise (why didn't I take shots of the signs I ask myself now). At least they move so slowly I couldn't complain about them being too quick for my trigger finger. I remember they all seemed very interested in procreating, except for this guy.
During the zooming around we found this hippopotamus who looks a bit sad. Just stood there with head hanging. We would see some others later.
Perhaps he was spooked by this tourist who was dressed rather exotically. We were looking for a photographer but she seemed to be on her own.
The meerkats have a couple of compounds and this little guy was in the first one as we walked around.
Again, I was sorry I didn't make notes or photograph the signs because I don't know what sort of monkey this one is. And can't help wondering what the heck he/she is doing.... rock painting perhaps?
This big brute with the sweet face had a blankey. Yes, I kid you not; you can't see it here but firmly attached to his toes was a hessian bag or something which he toted around where ever he went. So cute.There were a couple of gorillas so not sure if this is the same guy which I spotted later.
This lion was cunningly camouflaged to the point that when I first photographed him I couldn't see him at all because I'd focussed on completely the the wrong log! Couldn't help wondering if he was cross eyed though. We missed the lion show. Zooming has its drawbacks.
It was a hot day and these African Wild Dogs (not to be confused with Hyenas) were takng it easy and although something got their attention, they didn't get up to investigate further.
These cheetahs wasted no energy on marauding tourists either.
After a brisk walk around the Zoo, it was off to the Safari Station to catch our ride around to ogle the savannah animals.
One of our carriages with our driver, Rhonda. There was bridgework going on so we had to dismount on one side of the creek and jump into another vehicle on the other side where we saw the zebras, giraffes and rhinos.
It's hard work to get a drink when your neck is so looonnnngg. Amused us all no end watching this giraffe carefully position himself. I think the giraffes were my favourites.
This is Leroy the Rhino. He was with some ladies he looks after but is apparently a cheeky and inquisitive boy and followed the truck around for a while. Below are some of his ladies, snoozing in the shade.
Lots of zebras roamed the area and this mother and baby were a big hit.
How rude!
What's black and white and sits on black and white? Willy wag tail of course!
The ostriches were slightly inquisitive and not one had their head in the sand.
Is it just me or does this female Greater Kudu antelope look like Jar Jar Binks???
They're perfectly camouflaged for the bush, not sure how they'd go in space.
These Oryx antelope have huge horns which, of course, make them a target for poachers in the wild.
Another poaching target; but can't remember the name. Death to all poachers!
They have some bison. The Bison in America story is heartbreaking, herds chased off cliffs. There's a bit of a theme happening here with wild animals. Man always wins. If only the animals had learned to handle guns, the stories would have a different outcome.
We came across more hippos but one turned her back when she saw us. Strange creatures, they almost looked like mechanical animals while eating their hay; a lot of chomping but not much seemed to go in their mouths. That was the end of our Open Vehicle Adventure and it was well worth the money.
We ended our Zoo visit with a visit to the Meerkat Bistro. I hadn't realised until we got in there that there was another meerkat compound in there separated by big glass windows from the Bistro itself. This fellow was quite the poser, although apparently oblivious to us.
These leucadendrons were planted in banks near the Bistro and also put on a fitting show for us, given they are natives of South Africa.
After zooming out of the Zoo, we headed over to nearby Werribee Mansion and its famous rose garden, whereupon we proceeded to zoom around the garden. So pressed for time were we, we didn't even stop to admire the Mansion. Next time. Below are a few of the beautiful rose specimens we saw.
My favourite